Car Care Tips

19 Feb Winter Weather Kills Vehicle Batteries: How to Keep Your Vehicle’s Battery Healthy

Winter weather can wreak havoc on your vehicle’s systems. And your vehicle’s battery ranks at the top of the list for components most susceptible to the frigid cold temps forecasted to sweep over our state this month. Even a completely charged battery can have difficulties...

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20 Aug Summer Heat and Your Vehicle’s Battery

Did you know that summer’s high temperatures are wearing out your battery? It’s true. And in fact, summer heat can be harder on your vehicle’s battery than the wintertime’s lows. And oftentimes those wintertime dead batteries were depleted long before they actually died. All batteries will...

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02 Jul Preventative Vehicle Maintenance: It’s Important…. Here’s Why

As your vehicle advances in age, it will undergo considerable wear and tear, and wear and tear will lead to problems. Preventative maintenance will not only ensure that current problems are fixed, but it will also prevent small problems from becoming much larger. But what...

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